How to deal with conflicts in the workplace.

In the more and more multicultural and diverse global business environment of today, leaders must be able to handle disagreement in the workplace. Conflicting ideas and viewpoints are unavoidable when diverse people work together, and unresolved disputes may be damaging to individuals, teams, and the company. In an atmosphere like this, you should demonstrate traits like curiosity, self-awareness, and flexibility in dealing with different cultural norms. (Goredema,2023) 

When the objectives are high and the emotions are strong, conflicts can still occur even with the best of intentions. Sometimes It can be mentally exhausting, attention-detracting, and energy-draining. Different characteristics can indicate conflicts. While some disputes are driven by intense, visceral emotions, others are characterized by coldness, in which participants hiding seem dispassionate, and try to avoid contact with the other side at all costs.(Goredema,2023) 

One of the three factors causes most disagreements. Initially, judgments are given regarding the other individual, other individuals, or a certain circumstance. Second, a rejection of accountability could occur. This type of behavior may involve rejecting results, facts, or responsibility for problems they helped create. Third, there might not be a congruence of values. In some situations, each side decides what matters to them and makes a different decision.

When disagreements occur, we frequently place the responsibility for the situation on ourselves or other people. We hold that blame inside most of the time out of anxiety about things getting worse. It's important to stop and become conscious of your thoughts and feelings if that occurs. Your mind's capacity for creativity, innovation, and curiosity is hampered by suppressed emotions, which makes it difficult to solve problems and rebuild relationships. (Goredema,2023) 

Managing Conflicts at work -Source-You Tube -(Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning,2023)

Place Your Thought Process in Solution Mode

Although the feelings you are feeling are genuine, you must understand that they are not brought on by the circumstances or the people involved; rather, they are the result of your thinking about them. While there is no control over what others say or do, there is control over your response. Your emotions will change as soon as you move from problem-solving to solution-focused thinking, which will help you make better decisions going forward. (Goredema,2023) 

Determine Your Needs

Asking yourself the following sequence of questions will help you determine what requirements are unmet:

What am I missing?

Why does that matter to me?

If I achieved what I required, how would things change?

What are the advantages of obtaining what I require?

What would it cost me if I don't receive what I need?

Inquire about the needs of the other party.

Ask the other person politely what they need. Even if the individuals involved may have already told you, it will likely be crucial for you to understand any underlying motivations and aspirations. What makes what they need so important to them?

Discover points of agreement

Decide where the parties may work together to achieve common objectives or areas of agreement. For instance, "We both want to create new plans to optimize our time to market" or "We both want what's best for our team" are examples of such goals.

Communicate The Relationship's Value

Highlight how crucial it is to keep a healthy relationship throughout disagreements.

Pay Attention Actively

To fully understand, listen. Give the other individual a chance to finish. Before you start telling the story, make sure what they said is true. Refrain from adopting quick judgments.

Talk about Possible Solutions

Work together to develop solutions that consider the needs and experiences of both sides.

When Needed, Take a Break

If disagreements turn violent or turn into personal harm, give yourself a moment to collect yourself. This could take a week or only fifteen minutes. Involve a neutral mediator if necessary.

When disputes are settled swiftly rather than dragging on, everyone involved benefits. Leaders may effectively avoid or reduce bad outcomes and preserve good relationships by adopting a positive attitude toward conflict, remaining open and inquiring in their interactions with others, and maintaining open communication. (Goredema,2023) 

Handling conflict depends on factors like internal compass, unique experiences, and power position. Unaddressed conflict can damage relationships and create a wall. However, it can also offer solutions and energy for transformation. Practice healthy conflict resolution by addressing issues and fostering positive relationships.

Managing Organizational Conflict

Figure 8-1-Conflict Management

Determine the nature of the conflict.

In workplace situations, disagreements can arise between parties regarding the problem. For example, a manager might think a team member needs to perform up to standard, but the real problem could be unclear instructions or a new procedure. (Corbett,2023)

Identify where you are stuck.

Conflict may block the development if our egos promote blamelessness, which results in. Please make a list of the ways we rationalize our conflicting views or behaviors, such as assigning blame to others or resisting change, to proceed constructively. (Corbett,2023)

Stay curious in the face of difference.

Ask questions rather than rejecting ideas out of hand just because you don't agree with them. By getting clarity on the other side of the argument, you can improve your listening comprehension and find solutions you might not have found by just listening to people's answers. (Corbett,2023)


Goredema, O. (2023) You checked out at work. here’s how to check back in., Harvard Business Review. Available at:  (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Harvard Business Publishing CorporateLearning,2023, Managing Conflict at Work, YouTube,(6821) Managing Conflict at Work - YouTube, (Accessed: 05 December 2023).

Corbett, H. (2023) 3 ways to manage conflict in the Workplace, Forbes. Available at: (Accessed: 17 December 2023).


  1. The blog post rightly highlights the importance of active listening in resolving workplace conflicts (Mastenbroek, 2017). My experience confirms this, as taking the time to truly understand the other person's perspective has helped me reach mutually agreeable solutions.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. Everybody engages in conflict daily, yet conflict analysis is both a science and an "art." It's a common misunderstanding that we understand the causes of conflict and therefore, how to resolve it. But a lot of disputes could not make sense, which means they can't be settled. If the root causes of the issue are not found, it is impossible to resolve. It is only when a diagnosis takes on specific phrases that you can suggest different approaches. (Madalina, 2015)

      Madalina. O, 2015, Conflict Management, a new challenge, Procedia Economics and Finance 39 (2016 ) 807 – 814, ScienceDirect, Available at: (Access on 18th December 2023)

  2. The stages of the mind during a disagreement are well elaborated; as an individual, I have experienced the stage where I would find a way to take responsibility for the situation myself or blame others in my mind; however, eventually, I have come into the realization that such moments would drain all your energy. As correctly described above, Understanding the nature of the dispute and the cause of it leads to a better solution for both parties avoiding escalations of matters.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience, After analyzing your points would like to add a few points. Understanding the causes of conflict is crucial for resolving it. Initially based on conflict avoidance, conflict management can lead to frustration and fuel new conflicts. Developing concrete diagnoses and improving conflict management skills can improve understanding and prevent the recurrence of conflicts. In the second half of the 19th century, managers prioritized conflict management, planning to avoid conflicts, and taking swift, effective measures when they arise. (Madalina, 2015)

      Madalina. O, 2015, Conflict Management, a new challenge, Procedia Economics and Finance 39 (2016 ) 807 – 814, ScienceDirect, Available at: (Access on 18th December 2023)

  3. Effectively dealing with workplace conflicts is crucial. The tips provided, like staying curious and finding common ground, offer practical advice. By understanding diverse perspectives and fostering positive relationships, leaders can navigate conflicts successfully. It's a concise guide for creating a harmonious work environment.

    1. Agree with your point, Organizations need to understand the reasons, theories, tactics, and strategies of conflict management to resolve and manage conflict. Stress and conflict are related because they rely on one another. It's an emotional phenomenon that needs careful monitoring and deep understanding.

  4. The blog offers a practical and well-structured guide for individuals and leaders seeking effective strategies for conflict resolution. The combination of theoretical insights and actionable steps makes it a valuable resource for fostering positive workplace dynamics.

    1. Thank you for your insightful observation. I believe that an organization may benefit much from good conflict management in several ways. There are concepts called better place to work, great place to work Reducing stress through effective conflict management enhances employee relationships. Furthermore, it enhances one's ability to solve problems.


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