How to become successful in a new job

If you’re preparing to begin your first role, or going through a career transition, here’s some advice that could help you in the first few days and weeks.

So, how can you ensure you keep that job and are viewed successfully? You must remember that the first few months in your new job create the impressions people will have of you. So, make those first few months count – show up every day trying to impress – with your professionalism, hard work, and dedication. (Russell,2019)

Figure 3-1 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success at a New Job

Source-Job sage,(Duncan,2022)

Dress for the job

Check your attire by looking at what other professionals at the company are wearing.

Develop a plan for the first few months

Books exist on the importance of the first ninety or one hundred days of employment. Make a plan for the first few days and months of your journey and follow it. You can’t do everything, so set some targeted objectives instead. (Russell,2019)

Don’t forget that relationships matter

Spend some time getting to know your supervisor, employees, and colleagues. Participate in social events (lunches, sporting teams, charity work, etc.)

Identify who’s who in your department or organization

Gather the names of supervisors, employees, and coworkers. Spend some time finding out who might be able to help you. If you have direct reports, take the time to get to know them personally. One of the most crucial things you can do is to make the effort to get to know other people. (Russell,2019)

Begin networking

Professional associations on a regional and national level. To find out more about what other people in your company do, plan meetings with them.

Keep in mind that you got hired because you are required.

For your supervisor to succeed, you must succeed first. Consider your role to support your manager. Your coworkers are in the same boat. Find out where they most need assistance and what their biggest pain spots are. Next, assist them by lending a hand. (Russell,2019)

Be proactive 

Come early, stay late, and ask your supervisor and coworkers for assistance. Whatever the task, put in your best effort and get it done. Avoid waiting for them to approach you. Approach them and express your willingness to go above and above. This is what sets the achievers apart from the rest of the group. (Russell,2019)

Show a positive-can-do attitude

You must maintain your optimistic attitude despite the negative or unhappy attitudes of others within the company. Respect your supervisor, coworkers, clients, and employees in the same manner. Be professional, composed, and courteous when interacting with people. (Russell,2019)

Keep learning.

Establish objectives for the knowledge and abilities you will require to advance in your position. Perhaps you'll require further training or certificates. Once you've determined what these are, create your learning growth plan. The most crucial thing to do is probably improve your communication abilities in writing, speaking, and listening to a range of audience sizes. If this isn't your forte, dedicate your time and energy to honing your communication abilities. They are vital to every employer. Simply ask them! (Russell,2019)

Consult the top performers for guidance and coaching. 

Accept their advice. Even better would be if you could find a few willing mentors who could guide you through the process. You can ask for assistance. Asking for assistance might be preferable to acting as though you already know everything. Make careful to inquire about the firm's dos and don'ts when you do so. (Russell,2019)

Give your best effort in your work.

When it comes time for your evaluation, be ready to share your work with your manager by keeping track of everything you have done while working. Not everything you have accomplished may have been observed by him or her.

Remember that finding a new job is only half the fight. It requires patience, hard work, planning, and preparation to succeed. However, the benefits will be worthwhile! (Russell,2019)


Duncan, K. (2022) 7 ways to set yourself up for success at a new job, Job Sage. Available at: ,(Accessed: 18 November 2023).

Russell, J.E.A. (2019) How to succeed in a new job, Forbes. Available at: ,(Accessed: 29 October 2023).


  1. Every employee hopes to advance in their career. a change in role, such as a promotion, transfer to a different company, or a new challenge at your current position. Successful changes, however, are harder to come by, even for the most qualified and hardworking individuals. (Cross et al, 2021)

    1. In today's highly collaborative and dynamic work environments, carrier transfer is essential. Millennials and Gen Zers, in particular, switch jobs significantly more frequently than any prior generation has ever done. Additionally, it's unclear if onboarding procedures are effective. Organize the network to enhance both professional and personal well-being. Despite the pressure that comes with taking on a new position and all their networking, (Cross et al, 2021)

      Cross. R, Pryor. G, Sylvester.D,2021, How to Succeed Quickly in a New Role, Harvard Business Review, Available at:, (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

  2. True Madhu, Any employee joining newly need to showcase certain caliber in order to first get along with the organization and to have a successful future in the organization. But let me ask this from. If the staff show case certain caliber which in terms of the organization can be an addition to the company from the employee. Then will the employee can showcase the talent for a quite a long time. Consider yourself as a female employee, if you can work extend hours based on the requirement of your company. Can you be able to have the same for a long run ?
    It would be better if the employee can showcase the talent and skills which is best available at all times. Most importantly if the employee showcase a new talent apart from his skills and talents or a unique way of doing things that the company values most. It would be better the knowledge being shared with all the co-workers as it might not only have the burden fallen on one member of the organization, but it can be split between equals.

    1. I agree with what you've said. I think it's important to set professional boundaries, communicate clearly, and be adaptable to changing roles. Seeking new possibilities involves some sort of change; it could involve a new work environment or a promotion. Kurt Lewin's Unfreeze, Change, and Refreeze change model can be used to quantify this.

  3. This is an absolute goldmine of practical advice for anyone starting a new job! Your focus on the crucial first few months and actionable steps like building relationships, showing initiative, and continuous learning is spot-on. The emphasis on understanding company culture and seeking mentorship resonates deeply. Your clear writing and structured approach make this guide incredibly user-friendly. This is a must-share for anyone aiming to make a stellar impression and set themselves up for success in their new role. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights!


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