How to Quit a Career

In this series of people management tips, it was able to encounter some route cause why employees want to quit. Quitting can occur in two ways, mainly when you get a new opportunity, or your retirement age has been completed. There may be other reasons as well such as lay-off, termination, contract period has been finished, company closure, etc. 

Determine whether quitting is the appropriate decision for you currently. Anxiety in your current role could be an indication. But to determine what the problem is, you must go further and ask yourself three important questions. 

How to Quit Your Job — Without Ruining Your Career -Source-
YouTube, (TED,2023)

Am I working for the right organization? Am I in the right role? Am I positioned for the future career I want? If "no" is the response to any of these inquiries. It's a sign that you should hunt for another chance. If you concentrate on these three questions, you'll be able to determine if you ought to look for that new opportunity with your current employment or if it's time to move on to a different company.

Think about looking for a different opportunity in a different department of the company if, for instance, you feel that your boss is holding you back and that you are not learning and developing. On the other hand, if you like your position but the entire organization is toxic and people leave quickly, you might want to look for a similar job in a different organization.

It's a good idea to make one last check to see if anything can be rectified before providing notice. You really have nothing left to lose at this point.  Speak with your manager, for example, if the business has declared that everyone must return to the office, but you would want to continue working from home. Find out if there is a way to make an exception, or if you feel that your pay must be increased.

Even though the response can be negative, it doesn't hurt to inquire before deciding to give up. It's time to give yourself permission to go if you have tried your hardest and conclude that your boss is the issue or that these issues won't be resolved. (Gallo,2021)

How to give your resignation to your manager.

Your manager should be the first person you inform. While it may be tempting to notify close friends or coworkers first, doing so could be risky. After all, maintaining a positive working relationship with your boss is crucial, and you don't want them to learn of the news before you have an opportunity to explain your actions. Remember that you will need them as a reference in the future, regardless of how much you like them or how likely it is that you will see them again. (Gallo,2021)

Therefore, it's best to part ways politely.  Therefore, inform your management as soon as possible. Do not postpone it.  Even though having this talk can be upsetting for you and everyone else involved, most managers prefer to give as much notice as possible. And when you've had direct and concise communication. Avoid circling the issue. Inform them clearly that I've made the decision to move on to the next phase of my career and that I'm dedicated to ensuring an easy transition. (Gallo,2021)

What should give as a resignation reason?

You could be asking yourself, what reason do I offer for quitting? And this is one of those rare situations where it could be better not to disclose certain information. particularly if you are departing because you detest your employer and are unhappy at work. Rather, concentrate the reasoning solely on your requirements and professional objectives. Center it around your desired course of action. A fresh position, a different field, a new profession, or simply the desire to make changes in your own life. You run the danger of breaking up a significant bridge if your manager thinks you're blaming them. Keep in mind the reference they provided you since you will need it. (Gallo,2021)

How long is the resignation notice period?

When giving notice, how long should you anticipate remaining? The brief response is just the right length.  Giving two weeks' notice is standard, as you are surely aware, but if you are in a senior position and can assist in training your replacement, you might want to consider asking to stay longer.

However, you don't want to offer too much advance warning. More than three months let's say. You don't want to be known as the one who stayed around for too long since you'll start to be considered an outsider. Therefore, ideally, you should give yourself enough time to ensure that your manager and other employees don't feel discarded but not so much time that things get uncomfortable. (Gallo,2021)

When you've given notice, what next?

There are two main things you want to accomplish after giving your notice. Assist in the seamless transfer of your duties and responsibilities. Enhance any connections you intend to maintain with colleagues.

Giving up your work to others can involve assigning assignments to current coworkers or assisting in the hiring of your replacement.  Though you are free to offer suggestions, your boss should have the last say on how this is done. Additionally, you should spend some of the time that remains interacting with coworkers.  Have coffee or lunch outside. Express you want to keep in contact with them and your gratitude for whatever opportunities they have provided. Think about writing personal messages to your mentors, management, and other close associates. Regardless of your feelings toward the position or the individuals in it, you want to be considered courteous and professional. (Gallo,2021)

Even though you're quitting your job, you still need to stay in touch with your previous coworkers. even your manager. (Gallo,2021)


Gallo, A. (2021). How to Quit Your Job: An HBR Guide, Harvard Business Review, Available at:,(Accessed: 29 October 2023).

TED,2023, How to Quit Your Job — Without Ruining Your Career | The Way We Work, a TED series, YouTube, Available at:, (Accessed: 02 December 2023).


  1. Interesting reading! Further to above mentioned facts, employees quite their jobs due to constructive dismissals. Constructive dismissal where resignations are not based on employees' choices instead as a result of intolerable working conditions. Therefore, employees should have knowledge on how they can stand up against constructive dismissals within legal framework and employer should take actions in order to avoid constructive dismissals. Employers can implement below steps in order to avoid constructive dismissals.

    Develop a company culture that respects each other.
    Invest in skilled manager training.
    Help managers with poor performance, conflict, and health & safety concerns.
    Support employees if they have any problems or concerns.
    Have clear policies in place to avoid uncertainty.
    (Reference: brighthr, 15th July 2022)

    BrightHR. “Constructive Dismissal.” BrightHR, 15 July 2022,

    1. I'm glad you found the reading interesting. Your suggestions for employers on how to prevent constructive dismissals are insightful and align well with fostering a positive and respectful work environment. Many employees unknowingly experience constructive termination when their employer creates a toxic environment that forces the employee to resign

  2. Your blog post on ,How to Quit a Career' offers a thoughtful and refreshing viewpoint on a subject that is frequently ambiguous. Your understanding of the factors, psychological components, and tactical strategy that go into making a choice this big is priceless. It's clear that following your advice involves more than simply quitting a job—rather, it involves negotiating a critical juncture in one's career with awareness and purpose. This article is a great resource for anyone thinking about changing careers because of your helpful advice and sympathetic writing style. Excellent work!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
      Professionals tend to be quite reluctant to quit a job that isn't fulfilling their needs. It's difficult to give up since it suggests that you gave up, didn't strive hard enough, or weren't good enough to make it work. "Winners never give up and quitters never succeed" is incorrect. Successful people don't give up easily; they quit when appropriate. ( Augustine,2022)

      Augustine. A,2022, Top Resume, It's OK to Quit (Your Job), Available at:, Access on 20th December 2023


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